PSTI Act Compliance

All our IP devices imported into the UK adhere to the latest cybersecurity guidelines. Find everything you need about how to report vulnerabilities and info on minimum security update periods here.

What is the PSTI act and how have we responded?

The UK’s Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) regime, effective from April 29, 2024, mandates that manufacturers of UK consumer connectable products (commonly known as ‘smart’ products) adhere to specific security requirements. These requirements aim to enhance cybersecurity and protect consumers from potential threats: something which has always been a priority at 2N.

PSTIKey aspects of the act that are fully addressed by 2N products include:

1. Password Setup/Change Requirement: The PSTI policy stipulates that a product cannot be used until its password has been set up or changed. This ensures stronger security for end users. We’re fully compliant with 2N OS version 2.42.3 and newer.

2. Vulnerability Disclosure Policy: This policy outlines guidelines for security researchers to report potential vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems. It encourages responsible security research and protects users from risks. You can report a vulnerability in this contact form.

3. Security Update Support: Manufacturers must publicly provide information on how long they will offer security updates for their products. This transparency ensures customers are aware of the support duration. If you need the declaration of PSTI compliance that you might for proposals, procurements, or contract assurances, click the link below.

Check the security update support here.

Recommended Cybersecurity Actions for Our Customers

We always recommend caution when working with IP technology. Here are some things we think you should keep in mind when installing IP access solutions:

Always Upgrade Firmware

  • Always upgrade to the latest firmware when installing 2N products. Regular updates enhance security, address potential vulnerabilities and bring new features.

Select Features Carefully

  • Enable only the features, services, and protocols necessary for the end user. Disable any unnecessary functionalities to minimize potential risks.

Refer to the Hardening Guide

  • Our hardening guide  contains essential security recommendations. Make sure to review it thoroughly during installation.